Hi there.

My name is Jack. I’m a personal growth and healing guide and breathwork facilitator.

I’m here to teach you how to self-facilitate to get the long-term results you desire and deserve.

As seen in

  • Through breathwork, emotion-focused journeying, inner child reparenting, and other techniques, I help you access the root of your emotional trauma and work through it.

  • Much of our stress and anxiety is due to putting too much strain on the nervous system. I help you learn to safely release tension, reduce inflammation, and feel more grounded and safe in your body.

  • Inner work allows us to map out our psyche, and as Freud said “to make the unconscious conscious”. The core of personal growth is learning to look at all parts of ourselves honestly, and to work to foster the emergence of our authentic self.

I guide people in successfully…

My story...

My own healing journey started in 2019 when I was diagnosed with OCD...

I was prescribed an antidepressant (Zoloft) and tried taking psychedelics instead. It took a lot of trial and error, but now I no longer suffer from OCD. I’ve also experienced severe trauma, suffered from constant nightmares, and healed from PTSD.

I’ve worked through tons of shame, including sexual guilt and shame that used to cause me TONS of anxiety. I’ve hit rock bottom multiple times and peered over the edge of insanity. I know what it feels like to be extremely fragile, and to feel constantly unsafe and paranoid. And I’ve recovered from all of it.

Now, I help people with the things I’ve been through.

“What have I done to get where I am? In what ways have I constructed my illness? Answering that question is the healing process.”

– Jonathan Flores, M.D.


The body holds all of our unprocessed emotions.
Over time they can continue to build up...
This causes tension, anxiety, stress, and fatigue.
Our breathing pattern becomes irregular and constricted.
And all of this ultimately leads to disease.

Breathwork is the most powerful healing modality that I’ve found. Hands down.

It is a process of safely energizing the nervous system... in order to intentionally face our pain. Breathwork helps us to heal the past, release physical tension, and soothe stress and anxiety.

I facilitate breathwork online and in-person in Nelson, BC.

“The wound is where the light enters you”

– Rumi


Whether we feel we are struggling or not, there is always work we can do to understand ourselves better, and to align who we are and how we live to be closer to our ideals.

I’m here to help you take an honest look at the work you’re doing on yourself, and decide what needs to change. I offer tools, frameworks, resources, and accountability to help you explore your psyche, change your perception of yourself, achieve your goals, and unleash your gifts.

The impact my frameworks have made for clients…

“We’re all just walking each other home”

– Ram Dass

Ready to do the work? Let’s talk.

I offer free 20-minute video calls to help you decide whether we’re the right fit for each other.